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Cyberlights Lighthouses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



Q1: Why did you create this website?

A: We've been photographing lighthouses for almost 20 years. When we first started travelling around looking for lighthouses we found that there weren't many websites on lighthouses. Remember, this was almost 20 years ago (there are plenty of them now!). Also, it was difficult to find good, or any, directions to lighthouses on the web. We decided we wanted to share our photos as well as the routes we took to get to these lighthouses. The easiest way to do this was to create a website.

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Q2: Why don't you have any lighthouses from such-and-such US state or Canadian province listed on your page? I know that state/province has (more) lighthouses!

A: For all US states and Canada we've come up with our own rule/requirement that the only lighthouses we'll show on our site are lighthouses we've been to and photographed ourselves. We know that there are lighthouses in Washington state, but they don't show up on our page because we haven't gotten to that part of the country yet. We also know there are MANY more lighthouses in Michigan than we show on our site. Again, because we only got to a small handful of lighthouses in Michigan, we only show those few. In time we'll get to other states, photograph their lighthouses, and show them on our site. And as for Canada? Well, there are MANY more lighthouses in Canada than we show. But until we get to all the others, the only Canada lighthouses that will appear on our site are the ones we've visited ourselves. Not to worry, someday we'll get to the lighthouse you were hoping to see on our site! :)

A part 2: Even though we've set a requirement that we'll only show lighthouses in the US and Canada that we've been to and photographed ourselves, that rule doesn't apply to Europe. We know we'll never get to most of the lighthouses in Europe. Our good friend Egidio Ferrighi in Italy provides us with the lighthouse photos he's taken in Italy and the surrounding countries. We'd be willing to show other peoples' photos of European lighthouses. Contact us if you're interested in having us use your photos.

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Q3: Where can I stay in a lighthouse?

A: We've compiled a fairly comprehensive list of lighthouses you can stay at. Go to our "Where to Stay" page to see the list of lighthouses you can stay at.

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Q4: I'm vacationing in such-and-such a state. Do they have any lighthouses?

A: The best place to go for this sort of information is the National Park Service List of Historic Lightstations at . We've found this is the most comprehensive list. Other sites you can check are the Lighthouse Friends at and for New England Lighthouses check out New England Lighthouses: A Virtual Tour at

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Q5: Please send one of your maps to the address below.

A: I wish we could, but we don't sell any product on our page. Just about all the maps on our page are provided by Google Maps.

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Q5a: How do I purchase products on your site?

A: Like question 5 above, we do not sell any products on our page. The purpose of our site is to share our lighthouse photos and experiences with the internet community. Any items that are on our site are provided for free (i.e. screensavers). 

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Q6: How can I buy a lighthouse?

A: Good question. Tough question. There aren't many privately owned lighthouses that go up for sale. All other lighthouses are either owned by the US government or lighthouse societies or organizations. If you're a non-profit organization and you want to take over a lighthouse, start with the US Coast Guard's FAQ on buying a lighthouse at or the US General Services Administration's Lighthouse Program page at

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Q7: Do you sell your photos?

A: Nope. Our photos are not for sale.

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Q8: I'd like to use one or more of your photos. What do I need to do?

A: Check out our copyright page for information on how to use our photos.

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Q9 - Strangest questions we've ever been asked via email...

  • "I like your lighthouse but it looks like it needs repainting" (I didn't know we owned a lighthouse!)
  • "Where can I find the gnomes?"

    Response: "What gnomes?"

    "The ones at the restaurant"

    Response "What restaurant?"

    "The one near the lighthouse"

    Response "What lighthouse? We need more details"

    "It's the one near the restaurant that has the gnomes"

    (I gave up at this point)

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Visit Cyberlights Lighthouses
All pages and photos copyright © 1996-2025,
Gary P. Richardson and Anna P. Klein, unless otherwise noted.
No images or content on this site may be copied or reproduced without prior permission.

Visit Anna and Gary's Website at

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