Green Island Light

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Green Island Lighthouse
Green Island, OH

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Green Island Lighthouse

Last Visited: August, 2002

I haven't been able to find much information on this lighthouse. The original lighthouse was destroyed by fire in 1864. The current lighthouse was abandoned in 1939 when a skeletel tower was built to replace it. Since then it appears to have fallen into terrible disrepair and is currently on Lighthouse Digest's Doomsday list.

Unfortunately, the photo I show doesn't do a fair (or even good) job of viewing the lighthouse. It's on the southern tip of Green Island, which this photo shows. The boat we took from Catawba Island to South Bass Island didn't get close enough to Green Island for us to get a good photo. You can click here to get information and a better photo of this lighthouse from the Lighthouse Depot.

Latitude/Longitude: 41.645178,-82.865843

  • You can only view this lighthouse from boat or air.

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