Isola della Bisce/
Canale della Bisce

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Isola della Bisce/ <br>Canale della Bisce   Cyberlights Lighthouses - Isola della Bisce/ <br>Canale della Bisce  

         Cyberlights Lighthouses

Isola della Bisce/ Canale della Bisce
Near Porto Cervo
Island of Sardegna, Italy

Cyberlights Lighthouses - Isola della Bisce/ Canale della Bisce

Photo(s) © 2002-2005, Egidio Ferrighi

[Photo 2]

Isola della Bisce is a small island near Porto Cervo. In the photo above, Isola della Bisce is the island on the far side of the channel (Passo delle Bisce), with the white light tower with a black stripe. Photo 2 is a closeup of that lighthouse.

Both the light on Isola della Bisce and Canale della Bisce (the small beacon in the foreground) mark the passage between the mainland of Sardegna and Isola della Bisce. Beyond this I cannot find any information about these two beacons.

  • From Palau in the north take SS125 south for appx. 17km to the intersection with SP59.
  • Take a left onto SP59 and travel on that for appx. 13km until you get to Porto Cervo.
  • Once there you should ask where Isola della Bisce is. My maps aren't detailed enough to give directions beyond this.

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